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January 21, 2016 3:30 PM Important Info
Business Photo Profile - Pricing 2023
January 19, 2016 8:31 AM Important Info
Headshots PricingStudio Photography sitting - 30 mins in the studio (Mon-Sat) €105 (including ONE image)Preview images via an online link or here in-studio within 48 hours of a photo session. (Quicker turnaround by arrangement if required)Digital images and prints [Colour or Black & White] can be supplied as required via email or WeTransfer.Minimal retouching applied. Each additional Image at time of selection ......
October 14, 2021 11:53 AM Important Info
Here are some things to be aware of in advance of your photo sitting:-1. Hair Check for styling/cut Mirror check before photo to ensure you are happy with your look 2. Clothes Style Should reflect the image you wish to convey. Clothing - Open neck shirt v Tie or Jacket On/Off Colours – Simple/Plain for Business 3. Skin All final edit photos will receive touch-up to remove skin blemishes and appropriate softening effects and undesirable light reflections ......
January 19, 2016 7:44 AM Important Info
Costings and Quotations 2023Whilst establishing the full extent and nature of the work is desirable before providing you with a quotation in practise this rarely happens. Consequently any quotation issued is SUBJECT TO CHANGE if the work involves additional time or travel or editing.In the case of location photography please provide specific requirements [FORM]Image Costs - These are ADDITIONAL TO Photography CostThe cost for images is quoted separately based on th ......
Search & Supply Fees for Re-Supply of  Lost Image Files
July 11, 2018 12:50 PM Important Info
Upon completion of every client project the image files are archived and triplicated to cater for the eventuality that a client may misplace or be unable to locate the image files on their system.Maintaining this library of client images involves storage costs and significant time input on my part.This service involves library search and supply fees as set out below for the service.Image Search & Supply Fees - (via online transfer)Single Image File........................................... ......
January 14, 2016 10:50 AM Important Info
At the outset it is essential that I have a clear understanding of your requirements and the use intended for the images.Q 1. What you can expect to receive as part of my service.A 1. This is agreed with you in advance - it is confirmed to you in writing based on your specific job.Q 2. Where will I be able to see the proofs/previews and how soon after the photography happens.A 2. Your photo previews are placed online with password protection within a specified number of days (as advise ......
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