November 11, 2019 9:25 AM
A recent view showing the expanse of the Dublin Port.An image being added to my upcoming online image library.
October 1, 2019 3:33 PM
© Michael O'Farrell PhotographyThe photo above shows the splendor of the DLR Lexicon, in Dun Laoghaire. Buildings, especially public buildings, are such an important part of who we are. They reflect our spirit and adventure and indeed our outlook. They are an opportunity for the revival of community and increased engagement therein. The advent of this library has brought many possibilities for people of all ages to experience ideas in a new and original and exciting environment. The expans ......
August 30, 2019 9:53 AM
Video to Highlight State of The Art Fire Prevention SystemThe brief here was to introduce and explain the implementation of a sophisticated fire prevention system, called ORS - Oxygen Reduction System, which is the ultimate in fire prevention, given its ability to prevent initial combustion. The task posed quite a number of technical challenges and required careful planning but with the aid of a very willing and hands-on client the final video met with widespread approval. [FORM] ......
January 22, 2019 3:24 PM
The Bank Building - Belfast Nov 2018 (after fire damage in August)The photo above shows the remains of this once magnificent building, with a heritage dating back to 1785, when it was constructed as a bank (thus the name).A fire which broke out at 11:05 on the 28th of August 2018 in the building, leaving a tangled wreck.It took all of 4 hours to reduce the building to this.I always try to appreciate the magnificience of such structures and record them in all their glory. In fact o ......
October 3, 2018 4:42 PM
Just in from the printers is my photobook of Clancy Quay and the Officers Mess. As one of my previous Blogs described, it was such a pleasure to capture the sheer quality of this unique restoration project by Glenbeigh Construction in conjunction with O'Mahony Pike Architects and Kennedy Wilson Europe. Now that I see the image collection in print I am reminded just why this is so. ......
June 26, 2018 3:28 PM
It's essential to capture the 'HERO' shot when photographing a project. The inclusion of a detailed image element of master-craftmanship serves to illustrate the absolute quality of the entire project.In this instance, the restoration of the main staircase to its original magnificence is the trademark of every aspect of the finish that is evident throughout this project.See Image Gallery HEREThe image below will help give you a sense of this idyllic locati ......
June 20, 2018 2:37 PM
I'm delighted to see the the success of this development in the 2018 RIAI awards.This was an inspiring project to photograph for my client, Glenbeigh Construction, who were the main contractor.See Image Gallery here
March 13, 2018 10:24 AM
Clancy Quay...linking past and future Photography assignments can resemble people in some ways...they can be wildly varied, very different and intriguing but occasionally you have a really special encounter...something that leaves an indelible impression. This was, truly, the case with this assignment to photograph the recently completed Clancy Quay residential development at Islandbridge (originally the site of Clancy Barracks). The word 'restoration' of ......
February 27, 2016 3:45 PM
This photo from the Samuel Beckett Bridge encircles a trinity of Dublin Landmarks, namely Liberty Hall, The Custom House and The Spire. Twilight gave me the perfect setting for showing these three landmark features of the city from the elegant Samuel Beckett Bridge.
November 27, 2014 4:05 PM
Inspiration - The JFK Library BostonIn my family, the name of John F Kennedy was spoken of with great reverence and admiration. I was an admirer from a very early age and his book 'Profiles in Courage' was often spoken of in our home. We had first cousins in New Ross [Dunganstown being the birthplace of his grandfather] and that made him rather special to us but more so it was for his values - that he stood for so unwaveringly.It was a sense of great personal satisfaction to visit the JFK Librar ......

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