• Tell your story - relate recent accomplishments or projects
• Launch a new policy or organisational development
• Use use at exhibition/conference
• In-house for large screen in reception area
Tallaght Hospital
One of a series of videos commissioned to introduce the ethos now established throughout the organisation
of 'Caring for People' both patients in terms of very personal care and staff in regard to their safety , welfare and
personal development and career progress.
Peak Connexxion Training Limited
Client Requirement
To promote a programme of Intercultural Business aimed at attracting Europeans
to Ireland
Barhale Response Group - Water Treatment Specialists (UK & Ireland)
Client Requirement
To help promote the launch of new premises in the UK and promoting existing operations there.
Slip-in inserts for DVD cover containing printed DVD - hand-outs for clients
Glenbeigh Construction
Client Requirement
A DVD for large screen reception display - auto play and loop for nonstop
play - no backing track used so as to avoid disruption
Display showing the range and scale of the company
Client Requirement
Slideshow movie to show private property and used in conjunction with brochures
and web display to aid the sale of this upmarket property